Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh, Brothers!


These two brothers were so areeable to work with, as long as we made time to stop for the occasional leaf fight and football toss.

They even managed to put up with a hug from mom.  Gotta get ‘em while their still sweet!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Longview Farm! Who knew?

I would like to thank this beautiful family for suggesting we have our session at Longview Farm.  My children and I had attempted to find it one day when we were out and about with no specific directions and gave up.  What an amazing park.  There literally is something there for everyone, the amenities abound.  

I am so happy to have had such a fun family show me around.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Everything’s “Fall”ing into place for this family

Ambrose Sneek PeekThese friends have been working tirelessly for months transitioning from one home full of family memories to a beautiful new home just ripe with the possibilities of making many more happy memories. 

We decided to kick it off with a family photo shoot highlighting their gorgeous property.

Congratulations on your new home!

Monday, October 11, 2010

A cutie pie, passing by!

storyboard for blog

Monday night had the best overcast light and I was out in the front yard with my newest lens, when around the corner came this little cutie patootie!

I have the cutest kids in my neighborhood, mine included, of course!